Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Trade - Buy

I added more to my position with Philip Morris International (PM)

13 shares @ $86.68 on 11-25-2013

This will increase my forward 12-month dividend by $48.88 to a total of $993.20

I  think the stock will continue to go down somewhere between $84-$85. However, this is why I am not a day trader. I may be wrong or I may be right. All that I am fairly sure of is that PM will continue to hand out dividend and increase them greater then inflation for years to come.

This will be my last buy this year, unless something crazy happens to the stock market.

I added the transaction to reflect on my Portfolio page.

What have you been buying/selling?


  1. Nice pickup. PM is a stock that I feel is fairly valued and I'd be adding more if I didn't already have a full position. I may add some to CAT next week since it's one of the few stocks below my cost basis.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I will add more PM if it gets in the high $70. CAT I will buy also If it can get below $80

  2. Nice buy FF. I also initiate my first position at the price I like and if the stock continues down I buy later another set of shares. That's why I never use everything, but buying in small portions.

    1. I plan to do the same. very low $80 or high $70 I am buying. good luck to you.

  3. Nice buy here. I really like PM for their long-term growth. Since it's just the international arm of MO they don't have nearly the same amount of legislation overhang plus the international market for tobacco products is still growing. Would love to add here but tobacco makes up around 7% of my portfolio with PM account for almost 5% so I'll need it to dip down even lower for me to really contemplate adding.

    1. PM for me is at 8% of my portfolio. I will do one more $1100-1200 buy if it goes between $78-$81.

  4. FF,

    Nice purchase. I think PM represents some solid value here. Unfortunately, it's already my second largest position. Furthermore, tobacco makes up a disproportionate percentage of my portfolio and I'm looking to reduce that by making purchases in other areas.

    Enjoy those dividends from PM! :)

    Best wishes.

    1. DM,

      Thanks for commenting. I very much plan on enjoying those dividends. :)

  5. Im working my way up to purchasing stocks like PM. Currently im at the 10-15$/stock range but planning on adding PM at some point :)
    My recent purchase was Aspo Oyj, from finland at 5.95 range(finnish company). But looking to add more this month as I'm in for a tax refund and paycheck.
    Keep up the good work! :)

    1. Life in Center,
      Thanks for reading and best of luck to you!!

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